Thursday, June 18, 2009

Configuring an Ubuntu server on linode, loaded with rails

Here's a short how-to for getting rails deployed on your linode server.
1. log in to linode
2. generate a public/private key pair on your own system if you havent done so already
3. Click "Deploy a Linux Distribution"
4. Choose one of the Ubuntu releases because I said so
5. leave the defaults
6. choose a root password
7. click "create profile"
8. click "boot" then "ok" on the popup
9. click "console"
10. copy your public key to the text field at the bottom (on one line plz) and click "submit keys to host."
(if you're having trouble finding your public key, do a 'locate *.pub' at a command prompt)
11. Copy the text on the same page that should look something like this: 'ssh'
12. go to a command prompt (assuming you have ssh installed), enter what you copied and if you pasted your public key correctly in step 10, you should see: 'login:' or something to that effect.
13. Type in 'root' and enter
14. Type in your pass and enter
15. take a break
16. Type in 'apt-get update' to get the latest package lists
17. Type in 'sudo apt-get install gcc'
18. Type in 'sudo apt-get install ruby'

ok, thats a good start...
I'll be back with more later.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

A friend of mine at work pointed me to this gem of a site:

It has the full rails api with a very nice interface. Also, there's one for just ruby: Check them out.